Missing Student Notification
In the event that a member of the campus community has reason to believe that a Texas A&¿Û¿Û´«Ã½ student, residing on-campus, is missing, he or she shall immediately notify the University Police Department (UPD) at 361-593-2611. UPD will generate a missing person report and initiate an investigation. In addition, UPD will report the missing person to University Housing & Residence Life. If the student is residing off campus, UPD will assist in contacting the appropriate law enforcement agency. Regardless of whether the student has identified a contact person, is above the age of 18, or is in an emancipated minor, informing the local law enforcement agency that has jurisdiction in the area that the student is missing within 24 hours. If the investigation determines that the student has been missing over 24 hours then within the next 24 hours, the university will:
- Notify the individual identified as the student’s emergency contact person;
- If under 18 years of age and not emancipated, the university will notify a parent or guardian; and;
- Notify surrounding law enforcement agencies
Contacting Family Members
Individuals identified by the student, and/or the parent(s) if the student is under 18 years of age, will be contacted by UPD, Housing or the DOS Office within 24 hours of the initial report to the UPD/CSA. In situations in which the student has failed to designate a contact for missing student notification, UPD will use University records and resources to continue its investigation. Family members, including those not formally identified by the student, may be contacted during the course of the investigation to resolve a report of a missing student.
Emergency Contact Registration
The university will request of all new students each year that they provide, on a voluntary basis, emergency contact information in the event that the student would be reported missing while at the institution. Students identify a contact on the Student Health Information Form provided during housing check-in. This information is confidential and will be provided to authorized campus officials and law enforcement in furtherance of their missing person investigation. Students who wish to identify a confidential contact may do so by submitting the information online through Blue & Gold. This information may be updated later by the student as needed through Blue & Gold.
Reporting a Missing Student
Any concerned person should notify the University Police Department, 361-593-2611, or a campus security authority (CSA) of a belief that a student is missing for 24 hours. CSA’s include, but are not limited to,
- Dean of Students
- University Housing and Residence Life staff members
The missing student report must be referred immediately to UPD. A missing person is an individual whose whereabouts are unknown; they have disappeared for no known reason and there is reasonable concern for their well-being and safety. If a student or employee is believed to be missing and there is reasonable concern for his or her well-being and safety, call the police immediately. A student enrolled at the university at either a full- or part-time status, who is perceived by the reporting person to be overdue in reaching home, campus, or another specific location, and there is an identifiable concern for the well-being of the student, may be reported as a missing student. Any university employee receiving a complaint of a missing student must notify UPD and provide further information related to the reported missing student. Be prepared to provide the following information:
- The missing person’s full name and nicknames or aliases
- Full description to include sex, race, date of birth (age), height, weight, eye color, and hair color
- Photograph
- Medications
- Vehicle information
- Unusual or visible physical attributes such as birthmarks, tattoos, scars, or piercings
- Date and time of last contact
- Last known whereabouts
- What they were last seen wearing
- Who they were last seen with
- Fingerprints, recent photos, dental records, and all other significant and relevant information, if available