
Texas A&¿Û¿Û´«Ã½

University Police Department

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I purchase my permit?

Login to JNET using your TAMUK Network Login. For students, this is the same login as SafeConnect, BlackBoard, or in a computer lab. Faculty and staff can use regular computer credentials. Once logged in, access the Campus Resources tab, click on Parking Spot link in the lower left corner, and follow the prompts to purchase a permit.

2. Who is required to purchase permits?

Anyone who parks on campus including faculty, staff, or students of Texas A&¿Û¿Û´«Ã½, Texas A&M Irma Lerma Rangel School of Pharmacy, Academy High School, SSC employees, Aramark employees, and temporary/outsourced employees. Departments may work with Event Planning in the SUB to obtain visitor permits for large conferences or events.

3. Do I pick up my permit or is it mailed to me?

All permits must be requested online and are distributed at the Business Office. TAMUK students, faculty, and staff have the option of getting their permit mailed to an address they specify during the registration process in JNET. Permits can only be picked up or mailed once they have been paid for.

4. Which parking lots are recommended for residential students?

  • Lot "I" West of Mesquite Village West
  • Lot "K" West of Mesquite Village West
  • Lot "L" Behind Lynch, & Eckhardt Halls
  • Lot "J" Behind Bishop-Turner Hall
  • Some Street Parking on Seale Street

5. How can I get to my dorm safely when parked on the west side of campus?

Even though TAMUK is a safe campus, it is still prudent to use caution.

  • There is always safety in numbers, walk with a friend.
  • Call the University Police Department for an escort @ (361) 593-2611 or x-2611.