
Texas A&¿Û¿Û´«Ã½

University Police Department

Crime Prevention

General Safety

  • The following preventive measures will help minimize your chances of being attacked:
  • If you are going out, tell someone where you are going and when you will return.
  • If you leave one place and go to another location, call someone and tell them of your new location.
  • Avoid walking alone after dark. If this is unavoidable, be aware of your surroundings.
  • Walk with confidence and determination. Look about you frequently.
  • Avoid short cuts, dress for mobility, and carry belongings in a backpack so your hands and arms are free at all times.
  • Never pick up hitchhikers.
  • If you are walking and a vehicle stops, do not approach it.
  • Frequently alter your route of travel whether walking, biking, jogging, or driving to prevent someone predicting it.
  • If you think someone is following you and you feel uncomfortable go into a well lit, occupied building and call UPD or KPD.
  • Register, engrave, mark and/or photograph such personal valuables as bicycles, stereos, computers, jewelry, and vehicles.

Security in Residence Halls

  • Never prop your door open, even for short absences.
  • Never prop the door to the dormitory open or let strangers into your hall. In so doing, your are jeopardizing the safety of everyone in the hall.
  • Always lock doors, windows, and screens.
  • Do not give anyone your key to your room keys can be duplicated.
  • Do not leave the key to your room on the door seal.
  • Do not leave valuables in plain sight.
  • Do not take your jewelry off in the restroom and leave it lying around.
  • Be alert to suspicious persons or activity.
  • If you observe someone or something suspicious, immediately notify your hall director and/or the UPD.
  • Do not leave anyone in your dorm room when you are leaving for any reason.
  • Do not leave large sums of money in your room.

Security in Campus Buildings

  • Do not leave personal property unsecured or unattended.
  • Be aware of your surroundings when entering or exiting buildings at night.
  • Individuals who appear not to belong in a university building should be reported to the University Police Department.
  • Be certain that all doors are locked when offices are not occupied. An open door is a thief s friend.
  • At night all office equipment---both personal and the University's---should be placed in a locked desk or cabinet whenever possible. Items such as typewriters and computers should be bolted to desks if possible. Money and stamps should be stored in a locked cash box, which is kept inside a locked cabinet or desk.
  • Each office should have an inventory of both the University's and personal effects that are kept on the premises. Serial numbers and USF ID numbers should be recorded because they make recovery and identification of stolen items easier. An up-to-date record of all equipment out for repair, out on loan, or replaced, should be kept.
  • When libraries or other public places (cafeteria, student lounge, and the like), backpacks, books, purses, and wallets should not be left unattended, not even for a few minutes. In the time it takes to get a book or a meal, a purse or wallet can be stolen easily. Faculty and staff members should lock purses and other valuables in their desks. Valuable items should never be left out in the open.


  • Trust your intuition. If you feel uncomfortable, you do not have to get on of off of the elevator.
  • Stand near the controls in the elevator, If necessary, you can press all the buttons or use the emergency alarm.

Jogging or Walking

  • Be aware of people around you. Try to avoid running alone, even in daylight.
  • Always tell someone where you are going to jog or walk and when to expect you back.
  • Stay on well-lighted paths in open areas. Vary your route. Be suspicious of people you pass many times
  • Don't wear earphones. Thy block any audible warning of a stranger's approach.

On the Street, On or Off Campus

  • Be alert. Look around you. Be aware of others on the street.  Make it difficult for anyone to take you by surprise.
  • Walk or bike with others if you have a choice. Try not to go alone.
  • Stay on populated, well-lit streets when you can.
  • If possible, avoid dark or concealed areas. Walk in the street if it appears safer.
  • If you think someone is following you mm around and check so you are not caught off-guard. Cross the street or change direction.
  • Walk or turn toward people, traffic, or lights. Enter an occupied building if you feel you are being followed..
  • If a car follows you or stops near you for directions, do not approach the car. Change direction if you feel threatened, and walk or run toward other people, stores, or a lighted house.

If You Live Off Campus

  • Good locks on windows and doors make it difficult for assailants and burglars to get in. Most rental units have dead-bolt locks on doors leading to the outside. If your house or apartment does not have a dead- bolt lock, request one of your landlords.
  • When you are home alone, pull shades or curtains after dark.
  • If you let someone in and have second thoughts, be assertive. Tell him or her to leave. Call a friend or neighbor to come over. Pretend you are not alone by mentioning a friend or family member asleep in the next room.
  • Make sure hallways, entrances, garages, and grounds are well lighted.
  • Leave porch lights on at night, or when you expect to return after dark. Leave an interior light on in a room or two with the shades drawn. Leave a radio or television on.
  • Have a peephole installed in your door.
  • When someone is at your door, never open it until you know who is there. Repairman, sales people, police, and survey-takers carry identification- Ask to see it and call the company to verify if you have any questions.
  • If someone wants to use the phone, make the call for him/her without opening the door.
  • Leave spare house keys with a trusted friend-not under the doormat, in the planter or the mailbox. Get to know your neighbors so you can get help if necessary. Be familiar with who is coming and going in the neighborhood.
  • List only last name and initials on your mailbox, or in the telephone book.
  • Avoid giving out information about yourself or making appointments with strangers over the phone.

In Your Car

  • No matter whether you park on or off campus be sure you lock you vehicle. Do not leave items such as books, backpacks, purses, wallets, identification, social security cards or your license in plan view inside your vehicle.
  • Park in well lighted areas at night. Check the street or parking lot before leaving the car. When returning to your vehicle, have your keys out and the right key ready to insert into the lock.
  • Check the back seat of your vehicle before entering your vehicle, someone could be hiding there.
  • While driving in a neighborhood, town or city that you may not be familiar with, keeps the doors locked so no one can jump in at a red light.
  • Keep enough gas in your tank for emergencies.
  • If you are followed by another car, drive to a police station or business with lights and people. Do not go home with someone following you.
  • If you are on the highway or in a neighborhood that you are not familiar with and your car breaks down, lift the hood, put on the flashers, and wait inside for help with the doors locked. If you do not have a cell phone, ask people who stop to call the police or AAA. Keep an envelope with quarters and dimes and phone numbers to call and slip in through a partially opened window to someone wanting to help.
  • If you are on campus and your vehicle breaks down call the University Police Department at 2611.

Anti-Bicycle Theft Tips

  • Lock you bicycle at all times, even if it is just for a few minutes.
  • The best protection for your bike is to secure it property with a hardened steel 'U'-shaped lock. These locks are only effective if the lock is hooked through the bicycle frame and secured to a fixed object such as the numerous bicycle racks located through out our campus.
  • Have your bicycle marked in an odd place and mark something on the bike that ordinarily you might know or identify with.
  • Register your bicycle with the University Police Department.
  • If you discover your bike missing, call the University Police immediately at 2611.
  • To assist in the recovery of your bike should it be stolen you should record the serial Number off the frame, have the brand name of the bicycle and where you purchased it available. If at all possible have the receipt for the bike and a complete description of the bicycle ready when reporting the theft to the University Police Department. Give as detailed a description of the bike as possible.
  • Remember if you see the bicycle on campus and you believe it is yours, do not contact the person with the bicycle yourself, immediately call the University Police Department, and give your location and where the location of the bicycle is.
  • The Texas A&¿Û¿Û´«Ã½ Police Department will be happy to assist you with engraving your bicycle, choosing the right lock, and registering your bicycle. All of these services are free, and can be provided by simply calling 593-2611 and making an appointment, or by just stopping by the University Police Department.

Auto Theft Prevention

  • Lock your car and pocket the key when you leave for a minute or several hours. Close the windows 0 the way, and make sure the trunk is locked.
  • Never leave an identification tag on your key ring. If your keys are lost or stolen, it will guide the thief to your car.
  • Do not hide an extra car key on or in your vehicle.
  • Park in a well-lighted and busy area.
  • Use a highly visible locking bar across the steering wheel.
  • Do not park in the same spot each day.
  • Take everything of value with you or lock it in your trunk.
  • Remove radar detectors and, if possible, the stereo from plain view.
  • Do not leave CDs on the seat in plain view.
  • Do not leave the vehicle title, registration, credit cards, or checkbooks in the car.
  • When you go into the gym have a special place for your keys. Do not leave your car keys in a place where they can easily be picked up without your knowledge.
  • If your vehicle is stolen, report it immediately to the University Police Department at 593-2611. If the theft occurs off campus call the Kingsville Police Department at 592-4311.

Sexual Harassment:

How we can help prevent sexual harassment?

  • Consider our attitudes. Don't assume everyone will appreciate a pack on the back, a joke, gossip, or friendly compliment.
  • Ask yourself "Do I know how the person will take this?"
  • Would I want someone to say or do such things to me?  To my friends or family?
  • Set a positive example. Treat everyone with respect and let others know that you expect the same from them.
  • Help promote campus awareness. Take part in workshops, support groups, rallies and other events.
  • Don't follow the crowd. Never take part in harassing another person. Instead, make an effort to stop it and help support the targeted person.
  • Learn more about the subject.

Why should you do if you do if you are sexually harassed?
Every situation differs. But these general guidelines may help:

If you feel comfortable doing so, confront the person. Let the person know you find the behavior offensive and you want it to stop. Be firm and clear. Do not smile. For example:

  • "I find that offensive. Please stop."
  • "I don't like being started at. Don't do it anymore."
  • "I prefer people call me by my name, not 'babe'."

Most people will stop offensive behavior once someone points it out. Prompt action may keep a situation from getting worse.

Consider writing a letter to the harasser. If you want to avoid a direct confrontation, write a letter. The letter should:

  • List the facts-the words or actions used, when the incident(s) took place, etc.
  • Tell why you object to the behavior. Describe your feelings about it.
  • State that you want the behavior to stop. Tell how you expect to be treated in the future.
  • Be sent by registered mail, or ask a friend to hand-deliver it. Keep a copy for yourself.

If the Harassment continues do the following:

  • Ask for help from a school official such as a sexual harassment or grievance committee or affirmative action office.
  • Campus women's center
  • Mediator, counselor or chaplain
  • Student or resident advisor
  • Faculty member or work supervisor
  • Campus administrator, such as the Dean of Students or Director of Human Resources
  • Keep accurate records. Memories are not always reliable
  • List what happened, the date and time it happened and any and all witnesses.
  • Bring your records to all meetings.
  • Ask people who witnessed the harassment to attend, too.
  • Keep a record of any meetings. Write down what was said and what action was taken
  • Consider filing a form complaint with the university. Follow your university's guidelines.

Dating Safety

  • If you accept a date from someone you have just met or do not know the person very well find out as much as possible about the person.
  • Never agree to a one on one meeting on the first date. Make plans to meet with friends or double date.
  • Tell your date that you will meet him at the location that way if you have to leave you will have your own transportation.
  • If the date does pick you up in his vehicle, tell a friend where you are going and when to expect you back.
  • Always have enough money just in case you have to call a cab.
  • Know your surroundings. If your date suggest that you both go to an unfamiliar place, ask questions about the location. For example:
  • How far is the bus stop from the location
  • Have numbers for a cab and find out how late they run
  • What type of neighborhood is the location in, etc.
  • Know your sexual limits and communicate them clearly and firmly.
  • Do not allow non-verbal actions to send a message different form the one you are communicating Verbally
  • Do not permit alcohol or drugs to affect your reasoning ability.
  • Listen and respect your instincts.
  • Reducing Opportunities for Sexual Assault
  • Avoid lonely or deserted areas.
  • When jogging at night run with a partner.
  • Beware of your surroundings think about how you would defend yourself and develop a game plan For prevention.
  • Inspect your vehicle before entering. Once inside lock all doors and windows.
  • Do not enter your room or residence if you find the door ajar. Immediately call the police.
  • Park in well lighted areas; avoid lonely deserted parking lots and streets; and do not park near suspicious persons or circumstances.
  • In the event of a sexual assault, report it immediately.
  • Remember, unreported crimes cannot be investigated or processed.

Who To Contact For Help

On Campus

  • University Police Department and for fire emergencies on campus 2611
  • Center for Life Services and Wellness 2904
  • Counseling and Testing Center 3001
  • Dean of Students 3104
  • Vice President of Student Affair 3612
  • Dean of Students 3105

Off Campus

  • Kingsville Police 592-4311
  • Kingsville Fire Department 592-2611
  • Christus Spohn Kleberg Memorial Hospital 595-1661