Priority Enrollment Schedule - 2025 Spring & 2025 Summer
New Students:
- If you are a new student to the university, your acceptance letter will provide you with advisement and enrollment instructions.
- New freshmen and transfer students with fewer than 20 hours should attend a Hoggie Days orientation session where they will be advised and enrolled.
- Transfer students with more than 20 hours who have met the Texas Success Initiative (TSI) requirements and are not in developmental classes should be advised in the department of their major area. After advisement, transfer students with more than 20 hours may enroll by logging into the Blue and Gold Connection.
- Transfer students with more than 20 hours who have not met the TSI requirements and/or are required to take developmental classes should be advised and enrolled in the Division of Student Success.
Continuing Students:
- See an advisor in Division of Student Success for placement in developmental classes.
- Advisement is conducted in the department of your major area.
- Undecided or liberal arts students may enroll for all courses with an advisor in the Division of Student Success.
- Once all holds have been cleared, you may enroll by logging into the Blue and Gold Connection.
1) Have a Plan:
Review your degree plan (see University catalog) and based on degree requirements draft a list of courses you need to enroll for.
2) Meet with Advisor:
Schedule a meeting with your advisor prior to the start of your enrollment date (refer to Item #4 below). Bring your pre-advising plan (see step 1) and your student ID card.
3) Clear Holds:
If you have holds on your account that affect your ability to enroll, they must be cleared. Even when it is your time to enroll, if you still have any holds on your account (affecting enrollment) you will not be able to enroll. See example to clear holds
4) Check the Schedule:
Remember the schedule is based on earned credit hours that we have on file for you. Please log into Blue & Gold Connection to check your transcript.
Priority enrollment is designed to enhance the University's ability to attract, retain, and graduate students it wishes to serve. As such, the priority enrollment system rewards students based on progress toward degree and academic performance. The University also recognizes that some students may require special accommodations because of circumstances beyond their control that impact their ability to access classes they need to maintain satisfactory progress toward the completion of their degree or program of study. Priority enrollment is opened to currently registered students only. All other students must enroll during orientation or other designated times.
Priority Enrollment Rules
The following rules shall determine the priority enrollment system and the academic advising schedule for the University.
3.4.2. Honors College Students
1) Why is the university doing this?
The university is changing enrollment to improve access to courses and help students maintain progress toward their degree. As you move closer to completing your degree, you will have fewer options on which courses you may take to complete degree requirements. Thus, the closer you get to completing your degree, the earlier your enrollment time. This gives you an advantage in getting the classes that you need
2) Who do I contact if I do not know when to enroll?
The enrollment schedule tells you when you may enroll: Enrollment Schedule. You will need to contact your academic advisor to set up an appointment prior to enrolling for the upcoming semester(s).
3) Can I still enroll if I miss my assigned time?
Yes, you may enroll any time after your time starts and while Blue and Gold is available for on-line enrollment.
4) What do I do if I have holds?
You cannot enroll if you have holds, including advising holds. Contact the department that represents the hold and see your advisor for advising if you have an advising hold.
5) My enrollment time has started, but I cannot enroll. What do I do?
Priority enrollment is for currently attending students and all enrollment holds (advising and/or financial) need to be cleared. If you are an incoming freshman or transfer student for the next upcoming semester, you will not be able to enroll until you have attended an orientation program. If this does not apply to you, please visit the Blue and Gold Central located in the MSUB room 132 or contact the Office of the Registrar at 361-593-2811 for assistance.