Texas A&¿Û¿Û´«Ã½ students are notified through their University email account of missing documents.
The instructions provided on these forms must be followed carefully; inaccurate or incomplete information will cause delays in the processing of the application. Applications for financial aid will not be considered complete until all required forms are on file in the Office of Student Financial Aid.
Submission Options:
- In-Person: Blue & Gold Central, Memorial Student Union Building, room 132 1050 W Santa Gertrudis, Kingsville, TX 78363
- Mail: Financial Aid, 700 University Blvd, MSC 115, Kingsville, TX 78363
- FAX: 361-593-3026
If you have questions concerning completion of these forms, please contact us at 361-593-5372 or email
General Forms
Special Circumstance Forms