
Dick and Mary Lewis Kleberg College of Agriculture and Natural Resources

Photo of the Dean, Shad D. Nelson

Message from the Dean, Shad D. Nelson

I welcome you to explore the Dick and Mary Lewis Kleberg College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, the most student and stakeholder engaged College in South Texas. You are entering into a college that is recognized throughout the state and nationally with faculty that place student engagement and real-career training at the forefront of their mission to enhance your educational experience. More Info Shad D. Nelson, Ph.D.

Our Mission

We deliver excellent programs in agriculture and natural resources, founded upon experiential learning, that develop critical thinking and leadership skills.  Through applied research, outreach and service, we improve the well-being of stakeholders.

Our Vision

We aspire to be the premier stakeholder-focused educational and research institution serving Texas and global communities in agriculture and natural resources, and empowering leaders for future generations.

College Core Values

Excellence -Continuous achievement of high standards

Integrity -Ethical conduct in all endeavors

Opportunity -Pursuit of personal and professional growth

Discovery -Expansion and application of knowledge

Service -Actions beneficial to others

University Farm

The University Farm is a working laboratory which provides students with experience in swine, beef cattle and meat goat management.  The University Farm houses the only meat rabbit center in the state and demonstrates rabbit management and production practices.


The Dick and Mary Lewis Kleberg College of Agriculture and Natural Resources offers a number of scholarships for both undergraduates and graduates.  These scholarships are non-need based and full time attendance is required (unconditional admission status).  For more information about scholarships cluck the button below.


The Dick and Mary Lewis Kleberg College of Agriculture and Natural Resources offers students the opportunity to experience Internships during their undergraduate program.  An Internship is a structured experience which relates to a student's major and career goals.  This opportunity enhances a student's academic, career and personal development.